black and white bed linen

Mentoria Base

Aprenda os pilares da administração com Paloma Oliveira e transforme sua ideia em um negócio de sucesso.

Mentoria Base

Aprenda os pilares da administração para novos empreendedores com Paloma Oliveira.

Mentoria Personalizada

Apoio individualizado para desenvolver suas habilidades em gestão e impulsionar seu negócio.

A person wearing a gray sweater is pointing to a laptop screen displaying a web page. The webpage contains a header titled 'Inspiration and Opportunities You Can't Miss' and features three sections with images and text. Nearby, there is another laptop on the table.
A person wearing a gray sweater is pointing to a laptop screen displaying a web page. The webpage contains a header titled 'Inspiration and Opportunities You Can't Miss' and features three sections with images and text. Nearby, there is another laptop on the table.
Workshops Práticos

Participação em workshops que abordam temas essenciais para o sucesso do seu empreendimento.

Two people are present, one assisting the other in adjusting a graduation cap and gown. Both are wearing academic robes with yellow stoles. They appear to be in an educational setting, possibly a hallway, with blurred background details.
Two people are present, one assisting the other in adjusting a graduation cap and gown. Both are wearing academic robes with yellow stoles. They appear to be in an educational setting, possibly a hallway, with blurred background details.

Depoimentos Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes dizem sobre a mentoria Base da Paloma.

A mentoria da Paloma foi essencial para meu crescimento como empreendedor. Recomendo!

João Silva
An empty classroom with rows of black chairs featuring attached writing surfaces. The room has a vibrant mural on the wall, depicting a tree with colorful elements and words related to business and creativity. The overall setting is bright with a combination of lime green and white colors on the walls.
An empty classroom with rows of black chairs featuring attached writing surfaces. The room has a vibrant mural on the wall, depicting a tree with colorful elements and words related to business and creativity. The overall setting is bright with a combination of lime green and white colors on the walls.

São Paulo

A mentoria Base transformou minha visão de negócios. Paloma é uma excelente mentora, sempre disposta a ajudar e compartilhar conhecimento valioso para novos empreendedores.

Two individuals are seated on stage in upholstered chairs, engaged in a discussion. The background features a bright red display with text related to marketing. Both are dressed in business casual attire.
Two individuals are seated on stage in upholstered chairs, engaged in a discussion. The background features a bright red display with text related to marketing. Both are dressed in business casual attire.
Maria Costa

Rio de Janeiro
